5 Photography Marketing Strategies for 2022

I saw a meme on Instagram the other day with a pie chart of how photographers spend their time. (I’m sorry, I can’t find it now!) The pie chart showed how little photographers actually spend taking photos! Between business administration, marketing, sales, networking, education, and more, there’s not as much time as you think left for photographing!

The good news is that with a few solid marketing strategies in place, you can start to see a major difference in your lead sources. Instead of trying all. the. things. You can implement these five strategies and reap the benefits of a marketing plan that works for you!

Top Photographer Marketing Tips and Strategies

These five strategies include a mix of nurturing current and past client relationships, SEO, and content creation. Read ‘em and reap (the benefits)!

Implement an Irresistible Referral Program

Word-of-mouth is huge for photography. Folks usually start researching photographers by asking their friends and family and asking Google (more on Google in a sec). Create a referral program that rewards your clients for passing your name along. For example, if a client refers a friend and that friend books a session with you, your client can earn a $25 session or product credit!

Collect and Showcase Client Testimonials

Client testimonials are the most powerful source of marketing. Are you asking for reviews after the transaction ends? You could ask in the same email that sends their finished gallery link or send the receipt for their product purchase. I highly recommend asking at least twice. Trust me when I say that it’s not annoying. Happy clients want to leave a review...they just get busy. Ask at least once more. You can link to your Google My Business Page or simply ask them to reply to your email with a review. You can use the review on your website to build trust, social media, and marketing materials.

Keeping Up With Your Growing Clients

Do you have a system to keep track of your clients’ growing families? For example, after you complete a newborn session, you should have a system in place to alert you when the child is about to turn one so you can reach out and book their first-year portraits! If you know your clients treasure annual family portraits, have a system to reach out around the time when they usually book with you. This can be a spreadsheet with Google calendar reminders or a fully-loaded CRM software (customer relationship management). It truly doesn’t matter how it gets done!

Consistent SEO-Focused Blogging

Remember how I said that Google was the second source when researching photographers? You need to be on the first page of Google’s results! One SEO strategy to focus on is consistently blogging. It’s no secret that Google LERRRVES fresh content and is constantly indexing web pages for the best search results. By creating blog posts around certain keywords that your dream client is typing into the search engine, you’ll be able to help Google answer their question and connect with them!

Stay-in-Touch with Email Marketing

Email marketing has gone through some changes this year, but it’s still a crucial piece of the marketing puzzle. This communication channel allows you to pop in where your subscribers are looking every day; their inbox! This isn’t where you start sending email blasts. Use email marketing to build the relationship with your clients and offer them value beyond the services you provide. You can showcase local events, charities, small businesses, and so much more.

Find Your Photography Marketing Partner

Do you wish you could spend more time photographing and taking great care of your clients? Hello! I’m here to help. I can take content creation off your plate so that you can focus on doing what you love! We create a strategy blog calendar based on critical keywords to help you show up on Google and find new clients. It all starts with a CLAIRE-ity Call! Let me know if you want to book by contacting me here.

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