Should Photographers Blog? The Difference Between a Session Blog and an SEO Blog

Can you believe that we’re talking about blogging right now? YES. I started my personal blog in 2011 using WordPress. It was a fun (and dangerous) way to share my thoughts and experiences with the…world, I guess. Sadly, that blog is long gone ;)

In 2013, I started blogging for businesses through my job at a digital marketing agency. Honestly, I was shocked that I was being paid to write stuff! I wrote a blog for one of our clients and it started ranking on the first page of Google in just a few weeks. The client saw significant traffic from that one blog! I’ve been hooked since then. Blogging has come a long way in almost ten years, that’s for sure. It’s still a valuable tool now, but in a slightly different way than in 2013.

Blogs are still very much needed for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Search engines like Google are seeking answers for its user. If someone searches “family photographer near me” You want your website to show up, right? The best way to start telling Google what your website is about is through consistently blogging.

So, now that you know that you should (still) blog consistently. You can simply start creating simple blog posts with your recent sessions, right?


What’s the Difference Between a Session Blog and an SEO Blog?

There is a difference in what type of blog post you are publishing. You’ll definitely want to focus on one over the other but both are still helpful for your business!

This is my definition of the two -

Session Blog - Sharing a single session and sharing the story of the subjects, place, etc.

SEO Blog - Content that’s based on Google Keyword Research and what your dream clients are searching for. This may feature one session or several! I’ve sometimes heard of these referred to as “content blogs” as well.

Instead of, “Family A’s Session at the Beach” think “Best Beaches for Family Photos.”

SEO blogs are optimized for Google AND your dream client. It answers the question that they’re asking while helping Google provide the answer.

Am I saying ditch session blogs?

Not exactly!

I still like those for showcasing your work and featuring certain locations or your studio.

However, you can’t only do session blog posts. If you want to see the traction in Google, you need to start creating SEO blogs.

Not sure where to start? Let me help!

SEO Blogging for Photographers

If you want to start creating SEO blogs for your photography website, the best way to get going is by brainstorming a list of topics. Here are three questions you can ask yourself to start brainstorming ideas.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself and Generate Blog Topics

1.) What keywords do you want to rank for? (family photography)

2.) What questions do clients ask before booking? (How does this work? Where do we take photos?)

3.) What’s your number one objection? (Price, Time, Stress)

Your first topic could be, “Top Locations for Spring Family Photography”


Now that you have a great topic, you can write 500-800 words on the subject answering the question. When you upload your blog, you can use any of your images that you like. Bonus, if they can illustrate your answer, but don’t stress if you don't have the “perfect image.”

Hopefully, you now have more clarity on what SEO blogging is and why it’s so important for your photography business to show up in Google.

Have any questions? Let me know!

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