The Top 5 Books Every Business Owner Should Read

What’s something that helps you grow your business? For me, it’s reading and continuing to learn new things. I love reading. I read 52 books per year and track them on my personal Instagram. I try to mix up what I read between fiction and nonfiction. I can’t only read professional development books because it takes a lot of energy to read and implement what I learn, so I like a healthy mix!

When I started my business, I remember having a stack of books all about entrepreneurship and business on my desk. Reading these books felt like I was stepping into the classroom to learn from the masters! What are my must-read professional development books? Glad you asked!

Here I share the top 5 books that I think every business owner should read. These are a mix of learning how to grow and manage your business to managing your mindset.

Don’t consider yourself a reader? Don’t fret; many of these are available as audiobooks. I link to the Amazon page for each book if you’re interested in learning more, but I highly recommend checking out your local library or supporting a local book store.

Here’s my list of the top 5 books that every single entrepreneur should read.

Top 5 Books to Read and Improve Your Business

1. The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson

I’m being absolutely serious when I say this book changed my life in more ways than one. The entire principle of making small, incremental changes that lead to achieving big goals was MIND BLOWING. I have this on my Kindle and have re-read it a few times. Have a big, juicy goal? Break it down. Show up and do the work.

2. Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals - Michael S. Hyatt

This book helped me set and meet goals in a new way. I photocopied the goal-setting template in the middle and I still use it when I am creating new goals! It took what I learned in The Slight Edge and set it on fire.

It’s SMART goals but on crack.

3. Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen - Donald Miller

Write marketing messaging that WORKS. Stop with the fluff. No more writing selfish sales copy. Your customer is the HERO of your brand’s story. Learn the StoryBrand method to write better copy and actually connect with your dream client.

4. Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine - Mike Michalowicz

Instead of giving yourself scraps every month, learn how to actually pay yourself handsomely (you deserve it), and manage your business finances. Following the Profit First Method helped my business survive the rollercoaster of 2020. I was able to attend a live workshop with Mike and he’s just as wild in person!

5. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results - Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan

Many entrepreneurs feel like their brain is a web browser with 50 tabs open at all times. Well, you need to have ONE tab open to get ish done. This book walks through how to focus on the ONE THING you need to, right now, to get more done.

Well, there you have it. The top 5 books that I think every entrepreneur should read. Hopefully, you’ve added to your reading list and will learn something new.

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