5 Questions to Ask Your (Potential) SEO Blog Writer

Hello and welcome. Maybe you’ve learned more about the magic of SEO, or perhaps you’ve had blog writing on your to-do list for so long
. Either way, you’re probably here because you’re thinking about working with an SEO blog writer.

To be brutally honest, it’s scary hiring for something that you don’t fully understand yourself. Not to mention horror stories around photographers hiring “gurus” who don’t deliver what they promise. I’m so confused about anything tax and financial. I’m beyond grateful to work with two experts who take care of that for me. But it was scary to trust them!

This blog aims to assure you that you are far from alone and to provide you with a few solid questions that you can ask the potential blog writer so that you feel confident in your investment.

Okay, here we gooooo. (And, please never hesitate to reach out with any questions. I’m here to help.)

((Also, for the sake of clarity, I’m going to refer to our potential blog writer as ‘she.’))

5 Questions to Ask Your Potential SEO Blog Writer

1. Can I see some examples of your work?

This should be a no-brainer! Your clients want to see your portfolio, so ask the writer for samples of their work. They should be able to send you links to blog posts they’ve written for other clients.

2. How does the content rank for Google?

Definitely ask this question. If you’re already in conversation with this person, hopefully, you are aware of some of her knowledge. However, asking the question point-blank allows her an opportunity to explain SEO. She should be able to explain it in a way that you can understand!

3. How do you know which keywords to use?

This is a BIGGIE. If she says that she asks you for the keywords
 run. Or shut your laptop. Hang up the phone. You get the picture! Your SEO blog writer should have a keyword research process that results in a strategic keyword list to use for blog topics.

4. How do you know what to write?

Again, this is feeling out her process. If she says that she looks to you for the blog topics
. No Bueno. A good SEO blog writer will be able to create a content calendar based on your business and SEO keyword research to develop topics that will show up on the first page of Google.

5. What’s my role in the process?

Your role should be fairly minimal once the onboarding process is complete (aside from providing photos). Well, I’ll say this depends on the blog as well. Sometimes I need clients to provide a few bullets about the family we might be featuring in a post. However, after I’ve learned about their brand in the onboarding phase I can take it from there and write blogs with very little help from my clients.

Finding the Right SEO Blog Writer Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

Okay, it might always be a little scary, but it doesn’t have to be super scary. The moral of this story is to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask the “tough SEO questions” either. Once you feel confident in their SEO knowledge and overall process, it becomes a question of whether you want to work with this person/company.

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